IX. Love: Knowing the Wisdom of the Heart

Love is the food of the universe. It is the most impor­tant ingredient in life. Children go towards love, they thrive on love and grow on love, and would die without it. Love is an energy that circles the world; it exists eve­ry where and in everything. There is no one aspect of your life that does not involve love. Even the darkest moment has within it an element of love—the need for it, the lack of it, or the desire to create more. So much of the energy on this planet is directed toward having love, and yet so many thoughtforms exist about love in this and every culture that make love hard to have.

In speaking of love, I would like to speak of the com­mon thoughts that exist about love. The thoughts people have about something are available to you telepathically, so when you are reaching for love, you are also pulling in the universal broadcast of it (along with all the mass beliefs that come with it).

Love is a feeling in the body, in the emotions, and ultimately in the spiritual realms. Love could be ex­pressed as an omnipresent force, and can be seen as an element that holds together the particles in an atom. It is a force like gravity or magnetism, but it is not yet understood as a force. It can be expressed at the highest levels as a particle which is traveling so fast it is every­where at once, and becomes all there is. All of you are striving for higher forms of love, but many of you get caught in the common thoughtforms that exist about it.

Imagine that there is a barrier to how much love you can absorb—such as the speed of light which has an upper limit. It has been said that nothing is faster than the speed of light, yet there is, though it is not yet known in your universe. It is the same with love, for on the earth plane there is a point of love that is the high­est expression of it humanity as a whole has reached. Yet, even more love is possible. All of your great mas­ters and teachers are working with a medium, a dimen­sion of love, to bring more through to the earth plane. What would this love feel like? How would you know if you had it?

All of you have had an experience of that kind of love. You have words and terms about what love is, and yet you know love is more than words or thoughts. It is an experience, a knowing, a connection to another, to the earth, and ultimately to the higher self. In everything you connect with, there is a striving to reach a higher relationship with the self.

Often people offer you the opportunity
to know your higher and better self
through the platform of their love.

Yet, it seems as you strive for the higher realms of love, the personality frequently comes in with its doubts, fears, and expectations. To have more love you will need to break through your limitations. You can increase the love in your life by looking forward, letting go of your past patterns, and believing in your ability to love even more than you have ever loved in the past. Another way to have more love is to look backwards, remembering the times in which you were strong and loving and full of light. If you use the past to remember when it did not work, you will create your past limita­tions in your present relationships.

What does love bring up for most people? On a mass level, love brings up many pictures of form. In a rela­tionship, it brings up commitment, marriage, cere­mony, and ritual. In a family, it brings up taking care of others, being taken care of, dependence, and indepen­dence. It brings up attachment and detachment. On the personality level, love often brings up its opposite-fear. So many of you who have fallen in love or have had deep experiences of love find that afterwards you retract or contract, pulling away from the other person or withdrawing your love. The personality steps in and talks to you with its doubts and worries. You can deal with this by loving your personality and by reassuring it. Every time you walk through the doorway into more love, into a new dimension of love, you will always bring to the surface that part of you which has not felt loved. You may transfer it to the other person, blame it on her for pulling away, or create a situation in which you could not love him as much. But it is within you, it is you that creates the withdrawal. Rather than blame the other person when doubt or fear or disappointment comes up, look inward and ask, "Is there a part of me that is creating a reason to be afraid?" If you look in­ward and talk to that part, if you reassure it that there is nothing wrong with that fear, and show it the new and bright future you are going towards, you can walk even more in this place of love.

Imagine there are many telepathic messages that exist on your planet, and that whatever you think of, you tune in to all the other people who are thinking of the same thing. Now, if you are thinking of love, how loved you are, how much love there is in the universe, how light and joyful you feel, then you will tap in to all those other people who exist at that mind frequency. When doubts come up, they key you in to the thoughts and vibration of people who are living at that level of fear. Do not make those thoughts wrong, but do not dwell on them either. Don't spend time going over in your mind why something may not work, but instead focus upon how it can work, how much love you can offer everyone—your children, your parents, your friends, and those you love deeply and closely.

Love transcends the self.

All of you have had that experience of deep love, in which you were able to set aside your personality, your own wants and desires, to assist another. Love is a place that exists as an energy you can tap into when­ever you have a loving thought of anyone. You literally pull up your own vibration. There are many high be­ings, such as I and those who work at this level, focus­ing love on the planet, so that your own feelings of love may be amplified. Any time you express unconditional love, from your deepest being, and any time you re­ceive it, you assist many more people in achieving it also.

Love from the higher realms is absolute compassion and complete detachment. It is seeing the larger picture of people's lives and focusing upon not what you want from them, but how you can assist them in their unfoldment and growth in whatever direction is to their highest good. Love is focusing on how you may serve them, and in doing so, how you may serve your own growth and higher purpose. Love opens the doorway to your own growth and aliveness. You have witnessed how being in love has expanded your aliveness—being in love with anyone, be it a child, a parent, or a friend. The joy to me in coming through and assisting others is seeing the flower unfold, watching those I speak to grow and love themselves more. That energy comes back to me and is amplified many fold, so that I in turn am assisted even more in my broadcast of love.

Think for a moment of tomorrow. What is your day like tomorrow? Is there something you could do to give love to someone or to experience more love yourself tomorrow?

Acknowledging people and acknowledging yourself is another way to experience love. Taking a moment to appreciate everyone you see and to send them a feeling of love will change your life and raise your vibration rapidly. Being committed to the idea of love will bring it to you. You do not need to get into that personality level where you say, "Will this situation last, will it work?" Instead ask right now, "How can I deepen the love that I have in this relationship?" Love operates in the present, and by focusing upon it in the present, you send it into the future and release it to the past.

If  you exist in a feeling of love—
if you can find it in everything you do,
transmit it through your touch,
through your words, eyes, and feelings—
you can cancel out with one act of love
thousands of acts of a lower nature.

You can help transform the planet. It does not take that many people focused on love to change the destiny of mankind, for love is one of the most powerful ener­gies of the universe. It is thousands of times stronger than anger, resentment or fear.

For a moment, think of three people who could use your unconditional love, and send it to them. Imagine there are three people you would be willing to receive unconditional love from, and open to receive it.

Can you imagine how it would feel if your heart were open, if everywhere you went, you trusted, were re­laxed, and knew that the universe was friendly? How would your life flow if you believed that your inner guidance was gentle and kind, and that people were sending you love wherever you went, and that you yourself broadcast a beam of love like a circle around you to everyone? How would your life change if when­ever someone said something to you, no matter how it came out, you could recognize the love or need for love behind it? You would be constantly looking deeper to acknowledge and recognize the love within each being, as I do. By your recognition of love, you would bring it out and attract it to yourself.

As you go out to the world today, be aware of how you can express love through your eyes, through your smile, your heart, and even a gentle touch if it is appro­priate. You came to earth as a community and all of you can send out a high loving feeling, a thoughtform of love, and offer it to each other. For the rest of today, be in your heart. Experience the love that is you, and as you do, be open to receive the acknowledgement of the beautiful light and love within you from others.



  1. List at least three times in the past when you felt a surge of loving feelings as you thought of or talked to someone, or gave him or her love:

  2. Think of three people who could use your love. Re­call those loving feelings you had in step 1 above. Send that love out to these three people.

  3. Write here three times someone gave you love that was unexpected.

  4. Think of some way you could surprise and delight someone tomorrow with an expression of your love.