What Is Tachyon?


In 1966, cutting edge quantum physicists started describing two phenomena: the zero point energy field and tachyon energy. They are both omnipresent and travel at faster than the speed of light. They have no frequency — ie, no oscillation or spin. They are probably not even really energy, but something that might be called ‘pre-energy’. Zero point is formless. Tachyon has form. Zero point is like the ocean. Tachyon is like a drop of ocean water.

Tachyon interacts with the part of the universe that moves at less than the speed of light. It seems to be a catalyst or energy source for the evolution of self-organizing systems to greater and greater states of order.

Tachyon is the source of all frequency.

How TACHYON Energy Works with the Body?

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By interacting with what is called a 'Subtle Organizing Energy Field' (SOEF). This term, coined by Dr. Gabriel Cousens MD, in his book Spiritual Nutrition and The Rainbow Diet, describes an energetic theory of nutrition which states that our physical bodies are templated on SOEF's (subtle organizing energy fields).

When balanced, organized and functioning at its peak, the body is in a state known as negative entropy or 'youthing; disorganized, it slips into a state of chaos known as positive entropy; the most radical example being the production of cancer cells. If a SOEF is blocked or depleted, the flow of life force energy through the Energetic Continuum becomes deficient.

But SOEF's can be energized. Our body naturally does this through the chakra system, oxygen, sunlight, water and food. However, when those sources are themselves deplete of Tachyon Energy, this can negatively impact our lives and may show up as symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and dis-ease.

So how can we get more of this Tachyon Energy if we want to function at optimal levels? The answer may be found in new advancements in technology that have allowed for the creation of antennae that attract and focus Tachyon Energy. These antennae, when applied directly to the body, feed the SOEF's, giving the body the tools and energy necessary to heal itself, and do it in a self regulating fashion.

That's right, you see the SOEF's use only that amount of Tachyon Energy necessary to re-balance unorganized areas of the body, eliminating the need to monitor dosage requirements.

Tachyonization Process

Tachyonization restructures certain natural materials at the sub-molecular level, creating permanent tachyon antennas that are able to focus tachyon energy.

The products are place in the special designed apparatus for a certain period of time. Their inner structure is thereby changed and information may be transferred permanently onto the product. The change of structure and the information imprinted upon it cause each product tachyonised and act as an antenna for "Free Energy".

Once a material has been Tachyonized, the rich flow of tachyon energy through the material will maintain the molecular alignment of the material permanently. The material will still look like the original host material, yet now is a permanent tachyon-energy antenna. Just as a radio antenna would never need to be sent back to Sony to get new music, Tachyonized materials never need to be sent back to be re-Tachyonized. Once the fourteen-day process is complete, the Tachyonized materials are permanent antennas that will serve for many generations.

Range of Applications

  • in situations of health risks due to all kinds of electromagnetic pollution

  • for harmonizing earth rays (water veins, Hartmann Grid, etc.)

  • for enlivening or energizing drinking water and for vitalizing foodstuffs

  • in therapeutic environments: among other things, for harmonizing the chakras, for releasing blockages and for fostering growth processes

  • for reducing the pollution of combustion engines (passenger cars, lorries, oil-burning installations, ship engines, etc.) and for optimizing their performance

  • within the field of Feng Shui

  • within the field of geomantic uses (earth, water and air healing)

Experience and Benefit of Tachyon Product

  • natural detoxification

  • increase in stamina and energy

  • increased vitamin and mineral absorption

  • increased brain function,

  • increased sense of well being

  • decrease in general pain symptoms

  • enhanced meditation

  • emotionally, a return to that feeling of unconditional love

  • mentally, you could experience increased wisdom or clarity of thought

  • spiritually feel more in tune with THE SOURCE

In an independent research study by Norman McVea, Ph.D., Dir. Oxygen Research Institute, Mill Valley CA , Tachyon 'antennae' were found to be of tremendous value as tools for stress reduction, meditation, creative visualization, consciousness expansion, rejuvenation, and psychic exploration. Now you can see why countless lay people and health care professionals in over ninety-three countries choose to use Tachyon Energy for the betterment of themselves, their families, friends, clients and pets

Tachyon Energy stands on its own as an exceptional balancing and energizing tool, or it can be used in conjunction with nearly all other healing modalities for its enhancing ability.

Who Might Benefit?

  • Wanting to optimize their own health and that of their family.

  • Working with energy — Bodyworkers, Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors.

  • Working with nutritional supplements & herbs — Nutritionists, MDs, Naturopaths. Dietitians, Osteopaths.

  • Needing an optimal healing space — all of the above plus Psychotherapists, Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists.

  • Needing an optimal work space — Realtors, Attorneys, Financial Planners, Writers, etc. — anyone working with a CRT monitor.

  • Wanting to carry their meditative, spiritual states out into the world.


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