
Moldavite was formed about 20 million years ago by meteor showers crashing to Earth. The impact of the meteorites caused the existing rock material in the Earth to melt and fuse with the meteor, creating a new gemstone made of both extraterrestrial and terrestrial material. The origins of Moldavite are credited with this stone’s unique energies.

Moldavite has a medium to deep green hue with natural etchings and is translucent when held up to a light source. Working with all of the chakras, Moldavite is most closely associated with the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. Moldavite enhances inner journeys, channeling, cosmic consciousness, and awareness of inter-dimensional or extraterrestrial energies. Moldavite reminds us how our Earth is but one place in a much larger system of the cosmos.

Moldavite's effects can range from powerful to subtle, depending on the person, and can help one to accelerate their spiritual growth, opening the chakras to higher frequencies of energy. Many crystal healers use Moldavite to enhance energetic connections between the Etheric fields and the chakras. When using Moldavite for Meditation, you may want to keep a good grounding stone nearby, such as Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper, or Obsidian, due to Moldavite's intense vibrational energies.

Moldavite Physical Healing Energy

Moldavite is useful as a tool for diagnosis, illuminating the cause and source of an imbalance or disease, and then supports the releasing and healing process.Its high vibrational energy helps re-establish the blocked areas, encouraging the cells to return to their original state of perfection. [Simmons/Warner, 34]

A rejuvenating stone, Moldavite stimulates personal fulfilment and slows down the aging process. It aids in memory retention and protects against mental degeneration. It may help balance disturbances in the electrical impulses of the brain, and is supportive for hard to treat progressive illnesses. 

It is an excellent stimulant for treating gout, and like many green stones is good for the eyes.  It may be beneficial in treating asthma and other diseases of the respiratory tract, allergies or rashes caused by modern chemicals or pollution, and assisting the body in overcoming flu and anemia. 

Moldavite Emotional Healing Energy

Moldavite is a stone of the heart, reaching into the deepest inner self and bringing to the surface that which one most needs to recognize, honor, integrate or release. Its resonance brings the heart into union with the mind, allowing them to work together in partnership. The mind in building its creations looks to the heart to see what is worthwhile, and the heart learns to view the self and others with compassion and empathy.


Physical and Metaphysical Properties for




CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Amorphous-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Silica glass with impurities of Magnesium, Iron and other elements (depending on location of impact)

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: All-Astrological-Signs



HARDNESS: 5-to-6-Hardness

COLOR: Green


RARITY: Uncommon


MINERAL CLASS: Mineraloids

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Autism, Body-Balance, Coma

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Akashic-Records, Ascension-Process, Clairsentience, Communication-and-Connecting-with-Higher-Self, Connecting-with-Higher-Realms, Cosmic-Awareness-and-Consciousness, Enhances-Attunement-to-Vibrations, Extraterrestrials-and-Alien-Communication, Kundalini-Energy, Meditation, Raising-Vibrations

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful green color, translucent, 0% matrix

A GRADE: Nice green color, partially translucent, 0% matrix

B GRADE: Poor green color, partially translucent to opaque, <10% matrix

AFFIRMATION: My perception of the Universe is expanding.