Golden Beryl

Golden Beryl is a lovely sunny yellow to yellow-gold. Its partner, Heliodor is also a Golden Beryl, but it is the greenish-yellow, yellow-green to brown variety. The two are often synonymous, but you can distinguish them this way: Golden Beryl is the bright sunshine on a summer day, while Heliodor is the pale light of the sun on a winter’s day.

Golden Beryl, sometimes known as the “Sunshine Stone” is a crystal that instills confidence and motivation, while still maintaining focus and empathy towards others. Golden Beryl, when placed in a dish in your home, can help to remove negative entities and allow angelic beings in. It can bring the spark back into stagnant relationships.

Beryl in general is a wonderful tool to keep close, as it helps to protect against any negative outside influences or manipulations. Beryl can help to release old emotional baggage that no longer serves, and can assist in the removal of stress and chaos.

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Physical Healing Energy

Heliodor strengthens the immune system. Its white/golden light may be projected onto objects contaminated by others during cold and flu season to purify them.

Heliodor is useful in the treatment of disorders of the liver, spleen, and pancreas. It is believed to aid problems with the digestive system and small intestine, bilious attacks, nausea, jaundice, diarrhea and chronic constipation.

Heliodor may benefit the heart, help in the healing of concussion or skull damage, and aid in Seasonal Affective Disorder and exhaustion. It is also known for warming stiff limbs or cold fingers and toes caused by cold weather or poor circulation.

Heliodor fortifies the eyes and helps with short- and long-sightedness.

Heliodor & Golden Beryl Emotional Healing Energy

Heliodor promotes balance between the intuitive and conscious levels of oneself, helping to eliminate the duality within one's character. It brings about a sympathetic and compassionate understanding when confronting delicate issues.

Heliodor encourages a sense of hope, possibility and vitality to the emotional body. It is empowering and optimistic, and assists in learning whatever is necessary to promote change in one's reality, helping to accomplish one's dreams and goals. It is the ultimate confidence and well-being crystal, often called the sunshine stone.

Heliodor is a support stone for survivors of abuse of all kinds. It assists in taking back one's power, and lends confidence and a sense of self-trust. It helps those who avoid making decisions out of fear of doing the "wrong" thing, and increases mental fortitude in moving forward.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for


PRIMARY CHAKRA: Solar-Plexus-Chakra

SECONDARY CHAKRA: Crown-Chakra, Third-Eye-Chakra

CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Hexagonal-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Be3Al2(SiO3)6, Beryllium Aluminum Silicate

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries-(March-21-to-April-19), Gemini-(May-21-to-June-20), Leo-(July-23-to-August-22), Pisces-(February-19-to-March-20)


HARDNESS: 7.5-to-8-Hardness

COLOR: Gold-(metallic-yellow), Yellow

LOCATION: Africa, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia

RARITY: Common


ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Heart, Liver-Disorders-and-Health, Menopause, Pancreas-Health, Spine-Health, Stomach-Problems/Constipation/Diarrhea, Throat-Infection

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Courage, Emotional-Balance, Independence, Initiative, PMS, Reducing-Stress-or-Tension, Selflessness

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Altruism, Angel-Communication-and-Connection, Aura-Cleansing-and-Clearing, Clairvoyance, Connecting-with-Goddess-Energies, Kundalini-Energy, Manifestation

AFFIRMATION: I easily adapt to new situations.

QUESTION: How do you add new energy into your life when it feel stagnant?