As the West views diamond, the East views jade.

Neolithic sites include simple ornaments carved of jade, which soon expanded to include knives, wood-working tools and weapons. This stone was immensely popular in the Balkans, early China, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and both coasts of the early Americas. It became the preferred material for creatingobjects d'artand scholars' supplies in China, with the value of certain varieties exceeding their weight in silver and gold.

Chinese culture so values jade that it appears in many of their idioms. As an American might say a lovely young woman is, "pretty as a picture," the Chinese equivalent might be to say she has a, "jade countenance." Nephrite can be found in a translucent white to pale yellow color called "mutton fat" jade--this is viewed as the most precious and prized hue. Jade is valued across Southeast Asia, including Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and elsewhere.

Mesoamerica also valued jade--it was a rare stone used only for the highest elites. Theconquistadoresdiscovered the natives using it, and samples brought back to Europe by them were identified as nephrite in 1780. This stone is also known as British Columbia jade, grave jade, New Zealand greenstone, spinach jade and other names.

Nephrite is derived fromlapis nephriticus(Latin for "stone of the kidneys"), for the traditional belief in its power to heal the kidneys and loins.

Nephrite is one of the two forms of Jade; the other is Jadeite. Nephrite is a member of the Actinolite-Tremolite group and is a calcium magnesium iron silicate. It is comprised of densely woven, interlocking fibers that make it extremely tough to break, although it is a relatively soft mineral (only 6 - 6.5 on the Mohs scale), and can be easily scratched. Nephrite is more common than its brother, Jadeite, and less expensive.

Like all Jades, Nephrite is an abundance and prosperity stone. It can be kept in a cash register to increase business, or carried/worn to start a new enterprise. Nephrite is also an earth healing crystal and will bring abundance in the garden. It can be placed in and around the home to bring peace and harmony to all who reside there, and when placed near the Heart chakra, encourages unconditional love. A protective stone, Nephrite can be used to prevent accidents and other mishaps.

Physically, Nephrite Jade alleviates skin problems such as acne; assists the lymphatic system; helps with bladder and kidney problems, and eases the pain of arthritis and other joint illnesses, especially in the hips. Nephrite also helps with fluid retention, high blood pressure and imbalances in blood sugar levels.


Physical and Metaphysical Properties for





CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Ca2(MgFe)5Si8O22 - Calcium Magnesium Iron Silicate

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Libra-(September-23-to-October-22)


HARDNESS: 6.0-to-6.5-Hardness

COLOR: Cream, Green, White

LOCATION: Canada, China, Russia

RARITY: Fairly-Common

PRONUNCIATION: Neff-rite-Jahyd


ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Acne, Arthritis, Bladder-Problems, Blood-Sugar-Regulation-and-Management, Bone-Disorders-and-Health, Kidney-Disorders-and-Health, Lymphatic-System, Skin-Infections-and-Irritations

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Abundance-and-Prosperity, Harmony, Love, Peace-and-Peacefulness

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Balances-Yang-Energy, Balances-Yin-Energy

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful green color, translucent, <10% matrix

A GRADE: Nice green color, partially translucent, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Poor green color, opaque and/or >25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: I am fulfilled.

QUESTION: How do you fortify your life-force energy?

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Are_There_Really__Fake__Crystals__Articles_11786.html

REFERENCE 2: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Mercury_in_Retrograde-_Crystals_that_can_help_Articles_1686.html