
Aquamarine resonates to the energy of the ocean, helping the holder to connect with the nature spirits of the sea. Seamen carried Aquamarine in ancient times to promote safe travel on the water and to protect against drowning. The soothing energy of Aquamarine makes it a perfect companion to calm fears and phobias.

Aquamarine is a “Stone of Courage and Protection”. Used often with the Throat Chakra, Aquamarine can be used to promote verbal self-expression. It is often used to enhance spiritual communication and clear communication blocks. Aquamarine is also used to align all of the chakras and enhance the aura. The metaphysical properties of Aquamarine make it an excellent stone for the spiritual initiate.

Encouraging clarity of thought, Aquamarine can aid in the assimilation of new knowledge, making it a great crystal for students of all kinds. Aquamarine encourages intellectual growth and inner knowledge, opening one up to intuition and the super-conscious mind. Aquamarine is often used to enhance one's intellectual prowess, helping one to think quickly to come up with solutions on the fly. Many also use Aquamarine to help with reasoning and promote logic. Carrying Aquamarine on one's person can help to remind the individual to be prepared for most any scenario that could be encountered, given the current set of circumstances.

Aquamarine allows one to look at emotional situations from other perspectives. It can help overcome judgment of others and encourage tolerance. Aquamarine can calm fear and worry, by opening the mind up to understanding the nature of Divine Perfection in the Universe. By helping one to be more sensitive, Aquamarine initiates a connection with the experience of a mass consciousness. Going even further, Aquamarine helps to bring one into the flow of life, enhancing the experience of continuity during one's existence.

Aquamarine can also work with the Heart Chakra by helping one to realize their innermost truth. Aquamarine facilitates the releasing of old patterns of behavior that no longer serve, and that actually inhibit one's growth. Aquamarine can also bring peace and calm to the overactive mind, making it a great aid for deepening the meditative state. Meditating with Aquamarine can bring new insights from the higher self to be applied in daily life.

Physically, Aquamarine is a stone of breath, the respiratory tract, and the lungs. It can heal sinus conditions and frequent coughing, and is effective for hay fever and other chronic allergies.  It relieves colds and bronchitis. 

Aquamarine is a cooling stone, countering infections and useful for laryngitis, strep throat or a sore throat.  It harmonizes the pituitary and thyroid glands, regulating hormones and growth.  It is beneficial for teeth and gum problems. 

It supports the healing of inflammatory diseases of all kinds, and is soothing to eczema, hives, rosacea and psoriasis. It may also help prevent outbreaks of herpes.  Some skin diseases caused by allergies may be cured by Aquamarine, and can complement the treatment for shingles. 

Tired eyes and some vision problems can be relieved if Aquamarine is placed on the eyelids for 20 minutes every night. Placed on the solar plexus, it will calm nervous spasms.


Physical and Metaphysical Properties for




CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Hexagonal-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Be3Al2Si6O18 Beryllium Aluminum Silicate

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries-(March-21-to-April-19), Gemini-(May-21-to-June-20), Pisces-(February-19-to-March-20)



HARDNESS: 7.5-to-8-Hardness

COLOR: Blue, Turquoise-(green-blue)

LOCATION: Brazil, Canada, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia

RARITY: Common



ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Acne, Allergies, Autoimmune-Disorders, Bladder-Problems, Brain-Disorders-and-Health, Cough, Dental-Pain-and-Problems, Eczema, Edema, Eye-Disorders-and-Infections, Foot-Problems, Glandular-Disorders-and-Health, Healing, Health-and-Healing, Jaw-Problems-or-Pain, Legs, Liver-Disorders-and-Health, Lymphatic-System, Nausea, Neck-Health, Pituitary-Gland, Psoriasis, Sinus, Skin-Infections-and-Irritations, Thyroid-Balance-and-Health, Travel, Water-Retention

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Anger-Diffusing-or-Release, Anxiety-and-Nervousness, Calming, Centering, Composure, Coping-with-Changes, Crisis-Intervention, Harmony, Inspiration, Peace-and-Peacefulness, Phobias, Serenity

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Angel-Communication-and-Connection, Awareness, Communication-and-Connecting-with-Higher-Self, Connecting-with-Inner-Child, Meditation, Spiritual-Protection, Truth

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful blue, translucent, 10-25% matrix

A GRADE: Nice blue with little to no green/yellow, partially transculent, 25-50% martix

B GRADE: Poor color (green or blue/green), 50-75% matrix

AFFIRMATION: My heart and mind are in harmony.

QUESTION: How to you remain calm, cool, and collected in stressful situations?