星源接地毯提供在室内连接到地球能量的便捷方式,称为“接地”,并提供许多好处。它能将粘在人体气场内的电磁波释放掉。我们每天都要花很多小时睡觉, 这是身体修复,重建和再生的时间。因此建议在睡觉时间使用接地毯,透过接地加强人体修复再生的过程,并且还可以提高睡眠的整体质量,从而有助于改善第二天的精神状态。




在你无法赤脚接地的日子,就让星源Anti EMF Earthing Pad 接地毯轻轻松松的让你连接自然吧!

  • 保护身体免受电磁场的影响

  • 清除静电

  • 改善睡眠,提升睡眠质素

  • 缓解肌肉紧张和头痛

  • 增加代谢率

  • 使血压和血流量正常化

  • 加速受伤或运动后身体的自愈能力

  • 舒缓神经系统,减轻压力,有助调整心情

  • 减少炎症

When you plug in the cord of an Earthing sheet or mat into an electrical outlet, the plug, cord, and product are designed to only conduct the ground energy, from the ground port in the outlet, to your device. It does not conduct the electrical power that operates your lights and appliances in the house.

When you plug in the cord of an Earthing sheet or mat into an electrical outlet, the plug, cord, and product are designed to only conduct the ground energy, from the ground port in the outlet, to your device. It does not conduct the electrical power that operates your lights and appliances in the house.

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