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Blue Opal

Blue Opal, also known as Andean or Peruvian Opal, is a variety of Common Opal that does not carry that “opal fire”. It is a lovely pale blue to blue-green stone to keep with you as it helps to bring the joy back into your life. A stone of communication and creativity, Blue Opal allows you to speak your mind without fear or recrimination. It can help you believe in your own abilities and attract like-minded people into your life.

Blue Opal can be used for protection during spiritual journeying or astral travel. Acting like a GPS, the Blue Opal can help you to select and locate a specific time or place that will aid you in your understanding. Blue Opal is often used to induce the hypnotic state or facilitate divination.

Opal Physical Healing Energy

Opal is beneficial for the health of the eyes, hair, nails and skin, and may be used in treatments to clarify and strengthen the eyesight, and in treating disorders associated with the eyes. It may also be useful in balancing the body’s water content, overcoming dehydration or alleviating water retention. Opal is believed to disperse infections, purify the blood and kidneys, and to regulate insulin production. It helps reduce fever, stimulates memory, and energetically stabilizes neurotransmitter disturbances, such as Parkinson’s Disease. Opal is supportive in issues with female hormones, PMS and menopause, and provides comfort and ease during childbirth. 

Opal Emotional Healing Energy

Opal is a wonderfully supportive stone, dedicated to healing and strengthening the emotional body for those willing to peer honestly into the true self. Opal’s high internal energy brings thoughts and feelings to the surface for examination, and reveals what one’s emotional state has been in the past, or even in previous lives. This amplification and cleansing process may be intense when first working with Opal, but over time teaches one to take responsibility for one’s feelings while clearing past wounds, fears and resentments. It facilitates the letting go of negative behaviors and soothes the emotional body, helping one feel more in control. It assists one in becoming more positive and loving, more creative and spontaneous. Known as a “stone of happy dreams and changes,” Opal brings happiness from the understanding that one has unlimited potential and is inherently perfect, and that change comes with situations and actions that allow one’s aspirations to rise.

Note: Because Opals contain water, do not leave them in sunlight or they will become brittle and break.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for



CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Amorphous-Crystal-System


ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Cancer-(June-21-to-July-22), Taurus-(April-20-to-May-20)


HARDNESS: 6-Hardness

COLOR: Blue, Sky-Blue-(light-blue)


RARITY: Fairly-Rare

MINERAL CLASS: Mineraloids

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Anemia, Balances-Metabolism, Fatigue, Nutrient/Mineral/Vitamin-Absorption

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Communication-and-Expression, Creativity-and-Creative-Expression, Hope, Self-Confidence-and-Self-Worth, Tranquility

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Astral-Projection-and-Traveling, Spiritual-Awakening

AFFIRMATION: I am confident.