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Quartz, Pink Himalayan

Pink Himalayan Quartz is a variety of Clear Quartz that is a truly lovely blush pink and is found high in the Himalayas. Pink Himalayan Quartz has a "softer" vibration, which is very helpful for those who find that Clear Quartz is too “heavy.”

Clear Quartz has been used as a healing tool since the Ancient times. In Shamanic practices it is referred to as the “light-stone”, an instrument of clairvoyance. Clear Quartz was traditionally used by Australian Aborigines and the Prairie Indians of North America as a talisman for visionary work. The Navajo believed it to be Clear Quartz that first caused the Sun to cast its light upon the world. The six sided hexagonal shape of Quartz crystal points allow them to hold a programme or intention, to magnify that energy and radiate it out into the surrounding area.

Extremely popular metaphysically, Clear Quartz is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals. Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. Clear Quartz protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain.

Clear Quartz has been shown to enhance and strengthen the aura. As gifts from our Mother Earth, Clear Quartz comes to us with information for the higher self to assimilate in the process of one's spiritual growth. Clear Quartz is often used to cleanse, open, activate, and align all of the chakras. Since Clear Quartz absorbs energies very easily, it is important to clear these stones on a regular basis.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for

PROPERTIES FOR STONE: Pink Himalayan Quartz



CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Trigonal-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: SiO2 - Silicon Dioxide w/impurities

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: All-Astrological-Signs


HARDNESS: 7-Hardness

COLOR: Clear, Pink

LOCATION: Himalayan

RARITY: Fairly-Rare


ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): AIDS/HIV, Burns, Dental-Pain-and-Problems, Heartburn, Immune-System-Strengthening-and-Support, Kidney-Disorders-and-Health, Memory-Health, Pain-Relief, Pineal-Gland, Post-Surgery-Healing, Sleep, Thyroid-Balance-and-Health, Vertigo, Vitality

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Acceptance, Emotional-Balance, Emotional-Healing, Emotional-Stabilizing, Friendship, Harmony, Joy, Perseverance, Reducing-Stress-or-Tension

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Affirmation-Statements, Amplifying, Angels/Archangels-and-Angelic-Realm, Communication-and-Connecting-with-Higher-Self, Connecting-and-Communicating-with-Spirit-Guides, Connecting-with-Higher-Realms, Connecting-with-Inner-Child, Humility, Increase-Consciousness, Shamanic-Healing, Spiritual-Awakening