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Mexican Fire Opal

Mexican Fire Opal is a stone of luck, abundance, creativity and passion. It’s transparent to translucent Opal named for its body color of vivid red, orange or yellow, usually without opalescence or display of color; the most significant sources come from Mexico. Specimens with iridescent flashes are referred to as Precious Fire Opal, or “Firmament Stone.” Fire Opals utilize the elemental energy of Fire to awaken one’s passion, from bodily desires to spiritual ecstasy. They stimulate the Base and Sacral Chakras, activate one’s chi, and can give rise to the kundalini energy. They are perfect for stimulating the triple-burner meridian in acupressure/acupuncture. Fire Opals attune to the creative energy of the Universe and promote the expression of one’s emotions through art. Ideal stones for business endeavors, Fire Opals draw in money, facilitate change, and usher in progress. They make excellent charms for those who wish to be independent and live by their own rules, and for those who wish to make their mark in life, either personally or professionally. Fire Opals protect against danger, and are especially empowering for removing oneself from situations of injustice or mistreatment, and may be used to release deep-seated feelings of grief, even if these stem from other lives. Wear to become more optimistic, socially outgoing and confident.

Fire Opal increases psychic abilities and is an excellent stone for communication with fire spirits and meditating on the four elements. It can increase vitality and sexuality, bringing relationships more passion. Fire Opal also helps one become comfortable with being independent and seeking a new direction in their lives.

Physically, Fire Opals aide in blood disorders; ease lower back pain; increase libido and fertility and help ease disorders of the abdomen and liver.

Because Fire Opals are relatively soft, and contain a fair amount of water, they should be cleansed in water to keep them hydrated.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for


PRIMARY CHAKRA: Solar-Plexus-Chakra

CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Amorphous-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: SiO2.nH2O - Hydrated Silicon Dioxide

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries-(March-21-to-April-19), Leo-(July-23-to-August-22), Libra-(September-23-to-October-22), Pisces-(February-19-to-March-20), Sagittarius-(November-22-to-December-21)


HARDNESS: 5-Hardness

COLOR: Iridescent, Orange, Red, Yellow

LOCATION: Australia, Mexico

RARITY: Fairly-Common

PRONUNCIATION: mek-si-kuhn fahyuhr oh-puhl

MINERAL CLASS: Mineraloids

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Emphysema, Headache-and-Migraine-Relief, Intestinal-Disorders-and-Health, Kidney-Disorders-and-Health, Nervous-System-Regeneration-and-Healing, Ovarian-Disorders-or-Cysts, Pain-Relief, Pregnancy, Trauma

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Centering, Dispel-or-Release-Negativity, Eases-Depression, Patience, Reducing-Stress-or-Tension

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Altruism, Ancient-Knowledge-and-Wisdom, Aura-Balancing, Earth-Healing, Grounding, Past-Life-Recall

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful yellow, orange or orange-red color with plentiful opalescent flash, transluscent, <10% matrix

B GRADE: Poor yellow, orange or orange-red color with little opalescent flash, opaque >25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: I am passionate.

QUESTION: What fills you with passion?

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Trick_or_Treat__Crystals_for_Halloween_Articles_10797.html